Supplying Safely Sourced Medicines to Zimbabwe
Working In
Local Distribution
Manufactured In
Distribution of generic medications
Working with Government, Doctors and Hospitals
Who We Are
Local Medicines
Lanset Pharmaceuticals was formed in 2019 as a joint venture between Henderson Healthcare Pvt Ltd (Zimbabwe) and Dolor Medical Supplies Ltd (UK) with the aim of working closely with our government partners in delivering a bespoke pharmaceutical solution to MCAZ (Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe).
Zimbabwean Team
At present, we are the only pharmaceutical company which is wholly owned and managed by a local Zimbabwean team with ESG (Economic, Social and Governance) principles and commercial values.
Safely Sourced Medicines
Lanset Pharmaceuticals would supply safely sourced medicines to the local Zimbabwean market with a longer-term plan of supplying the SADC region. Our vision is to return manufacturing of generic medications to Zimbabwe similar to its previous position.
What We Do
Our Mission
Our mission is to supply medicines to the Zimbabwean market and all wholesalers
Our Vision
To be the distributor of choice to the Zimbabwean market, central government and all state hospitals. We also envisage our business model covering the SADC market.
Our Goals
Set up a solid working relationship with our key partners.

Healthcare In Zimbabwe

Manufacturer of Medicines

Exclusive Distribution

Sustained and Assured Availability

Working in Zimbabwe

Our Key Partners
Key Activities
Our distribution warehouse is based in Harare. We have invested in a technologically adept temperature controlled storage facility with the aim of allowing our business to be scaled rapidly without regulatory concerns
Lanset Pharmaceuticals is registered with MCAZ in Zimbabwe since 2019.
Facilities & Warehouse
Warehouse is fully functional and ready for business to start trading.
MCAZ Compliance
Strategic alliances with manufacturers meeting Zimbabwe's strict quality and compliance.
Lanset Pharmaceuticals is registered with the Procurement Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe for dynamic purchasing of goods including medicines.
Key Linces Licence
We are looking for an international manufacturing partner with a network of suppliers to efficiently meet Zimbabwe Pharmaceutical requirements.
Healthcare Investment
The government has put in place policies to regulate the industry, increase access to healthcare, and attract foreign investment.
Our Goals
Lanset Pharmaceuticals would supply safely sourced medicines to the local Zimbabwean market. Our vision is to return manufacturing of generic medications to Zimbabwe

Common Medicines
Helping patients gain access
Assured supply of common medicines (Gap in NCDs and Oncology)

Specialty Medicines
Specialty Medicines Supply
Used to treat complex or chronic medical conditions.

Supply Chain Visibility
Direct Communication with Manufacturers
The ability to track every tier of your supply chain – from the raw materials to the customer.

Equal employment opportunities
With due recognition given to skill, ability, and performance.

Branded Products
For consumers, branded products can provide a sense of trust and familiarity

Responsive Pricing
Responsive pricing to optimize revenue by adjusting prices to match changes in market conditions